How your past can derail your present.

Have you ever been going about your business, doing life how you normally would, with everything basically running smoothly, and then BAM!
Are you hijacked by some emotional or physical response to a situation that sends you into a spin?
Somehow, something has set you off, and you seem to be overreacting to something that seems small and irrelevant. All of a sudden, you are crying uncontrollably, really angry about something small, or maybe you are having a physical reaction that doesn’t seem to fit the circumstance.
Are you going crazy? Have you totally lost the plot? Or is something else going on?
Every experience we have in life has a thought, an emotion, a physical and spiritual reaction attached to it.  That is what being human is about.  We can’t escape it.
The problem is that most Western societies have been taught that expressing all that we think and feel at the time is socially unacceptable. We get told to “stop crying”, “suck it up”, “get over it”.
Yes, okay, life does go on, and there are times when we have to do that to keep ourselves safe in that moment, especially in times of abuse or during a traumatic experience. The adrenaline kicks in, and we are in the fight or flight response, which is designed for our safety.
It’s what happens after that is important
If we don’t allow ourselves time and space to come back to our emotions to express and feel how frightened, angry, and sad we are, then we just spend a lifetime of swallowing, holding on and pushing down, and we keep going, and going, and going, relentlessly. Our adrenal system stays on high alert, and we grow more anxious and tight, which can affect our health.
The trouble is our emotions just don’t go away. They fester, bubble away and gain more power and pressure until one day, the pipes reach their limit, and we blow a valve!
The great news is there is something we can do about it.
Breathwork heals the past in the present moment
Your body is a vast library that holds the memory of every experience you have had in life, from pure joy to absolute trauma. It even remembers moments and events that you cannot recall from the moment you were conceived in this life.

Because of this, your body has a knowledge about you that goes way beyond what you think you know to be true in your mind.

Your breath is the vehicle that allows you to BYPASS WHAT YOU THINK YOU KNOW to access this knowledge that is stored in your body.  Your breath is like the chimney sweep that sweeps through and clears out the pipes, gets into the nooks and crannies, and reaches the stagnant bends in the pipes that haven’t seen the light of day for a long time.
There are as many ways to fill these “pipes” in our bodies as there are people on the planet, and the way in which this stored emotional tension emerges in your current life is completely unique to you. There is no “one size fits all”. That’s why using your breath to support you is so exclusively special to you. Once the air enters your body, it literally becomes a part of you and is there to serve and support only you.
Through the breathing technique called the Conscious Connected Breathing Cycle, your breath knows exactly where to go to access whatever is stored in your body.
It will seek out the source of whatever past hurt or experience that is being activated by circumstances that you are feeling right now in your present-day and affecting how you react to life.

Rediscover your authentic self.

I deeply honour and acknowledge the Awabakal and Worimi people on whose land I was born, live and work.
I acknowledge that the energy walked here through community hunting, birthing, and living under natural laws still remains and has been laid down in the land for all to benefit from. 
I acknowledge their ancestors, past and present, who love, care and respect country and their ongoing connection to the ocean, rivers, earth, rocks and air and the balance of all life.
I acknowledge the Elders emerging who take care of the Spirit of this land through connection to the old ones. 
Most of all I am grateful to the wisdom and culture of all First Nations people and what we can learn walking beside eachother as we come together from all lineages who were once connected to the land as they are.

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