Liar. Liar. Pants on Fire.

We all have personal lies we tell ourselves – negative beliefs that undermine our lives and hold us back. These insidious thoughts are often unconscious, yet they shape our experiences and sabotage our potential.

What Is Your Personal Lie?

The dictionary defines a lie as “a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.” But what about the lies we tell ourselves – the most negative thoughts we have about ourselves that we carry around every day? These personal lies are an “unintentional untruth” that can go unrecognized for a long time.

What is the MOST negative thought you have about yourself? This could be your personal lie – the deep-seated belief that you took on board at some point as true, even though it is an untruth undermining everything you do.

Some common examples of personal lies include:

– “I am not good enough”
– “I am worthless”
– “I am unlovable”

These lies often take root from childhood experiences and messages we internalize. But they are just that – lies, not the truth of who we are.

How Did You Get This Lie?

When we come into this world, we have the potential to lead a full, joyful, and rewarding life. But along the way, we listen to parents, siblings, and teachers and respond to events in our environment. We start to form an opinion of ourselves that reflects what we’re hearing or experiencing about who we are.

This opinion gets amplified by our constant thoughts (60,000 a day!). Our thoughts drive our actions, which produce results. If those results are undesirable, they inform our belief system, which then cycles back to inform our next thoughts and opinions.

If we consistently hear negative messages about ourselves, we can become so attached to them that we start to believe they are true. Or maybe we get the feeling that our opinion doesn’t matter, that we’re overlooked or not listened to – which can leave us feeling worthless and unlovable.

What Impact Can Letting Go of the Lie Have?

When we let go of the personal lie and embrace our authentic self, life can transform. Instead of using all our energy to mask, hide, and prove we’re “not good enough,” we can come from a place of wholeness and self-acceptance.

From this place, we can be more productive, energetic, and less stressed. We can feel freer, lighter, more confident, and at peace. We can focus on our relationships, our work, and our personal growth from a place of self-confidence, rather than constantly trying to validate our worth.

The path to freedom starts with awareness.

Take a moment to reflect:

  1. What is the personal lie you need to let go of?
  2. How did you come to believe this lie about yourself?
  3. How could your life change if you embraced your authentic self instead?

Recognise your personal lie, challenge it, and replace it with your eternal truth. Your life is waiting for you on the other side of that lie.

Rediscover your authentic self.

I deeply honour and acknowledge the Awabakal and Worimi people on whose land I was born, live and work.
I acknowledge that the energy walked here through community hunting, birthing, and living under natural laws still remains and has been laid down in the land for all to benefit from. 
I acknowledge their ancestors, past and present, who love, care and respect country and their ongoing connection to the ocean, rivers, earth, rocks and air and the balance of all life.
I acknowledge the Elders emerging who take care of the Spirit of this land through connection to the old ones. 
Most of all I am grateful to the wisdom and culture of all First Nations people and what we can learn walking beside eachother as we come together from all lineages who were once connected to the land as they are.

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