Embracing the Art of Receiving.

I’ve always taken pride in being a generous giver. Whether it’s through supporting family and friends, volunteering in my community, excelling at work, expressing love to my partner, or offering heartfelt compliments to strangers, I find immense joy in giving to others. The list is extensive, and the desire to share continues to grow.

The Challenge of Receiving

Despite my enthusiasm for giving, receiving has been a different experience for me. For many years, accepting a compliment at work felt nearly impossible. My instinct was to downplay it, saying things like, “Oh, it was nothing; it was a team effort,” or “Anyone could have done just as well.”

It wasn’t until recently that I realised the importance of receiving graciously—just as important as the act of giving. If a world is filled only with givers, the flow of generosity can come to a halt.

The Gift of Acceptance

Consider this scenario: you’ve put thought, energy, and love into selecting a gift for someone special. You’re excited to see their reaction, but when the moment arrives, the recipient resists your gesture, saying, “Oh, you shouldn’t have. I can’t possibly accept this!”

How does that make you feel as the giver? Is there a sense of deflation or sadness, perhaps a mix of both? By not accepting the gift, the receiver inadvertently denies the giver the joy and warmth that accompanies acts of unconditional love.

The same principle applies to compliments. Think about a time when you told someone, “I love your hair today.” Did you feel more uplifted when they responded with appreciation rather than self-deprecation, such as “Oh, it looks awful”?

Authenticity in Giving and Receiving

Both giving and receiving are most powerful when they come from an authentic place. If you feel obligated to give, the energy behind it may not be received well. Conversely, if you’re offered something that truly doesn’t resonate, it’s perfectly acceptable to graciously acknowledge it and express that it doesn’t suit you.

Focus on Receiving

I’ve decided to shift my focus to receiving. I have ambitious plans to give more, and to do this effectively, I need to open myself up to receiving more as well.

One significant challenge for me lies in receiving money effortlessly. You see, I grew up hearing messages like, “You have to work hard to earn money,” and “Rich people aren’t good.”

As I confront these personal barriers, I’m discovering that when I block one form of receiving, I may inadvertently block others as well. So, I’m giving myself permission to fully embrace and welcome love, compassion, peace, and all the wonderful things life has to offer.

A Journey in Breathing

In our Breathing Circle this month, we are focusing on “Opening to Receiving.” It’s important for me to do my own inner work, as it allows me to support others in theirs. Recently, I participated in a breather session where I concentrated on this intention:

Breathe in: Open to receiving with grace and ease.
Breathe out: Release fear.

During this conscious breathing cycle, I connected with an infinity symbol, representing the endless cycle of giving and receiving. I encountered a part of myself that was scared and vulnerable, merely striving for survival. I honoured her fears and found peace within.

I felt privileged to witness this aspect of myself and know that I can now open more graciously to receiving what life offers.

Clearing the Path to Abundance

The universe wishes only to give us love and abundance. It’s up to us to clear the way and grant ourselves permission to receive.

Questions to Ponder

  1. How comfortable are you with receiving compliments or gifts?
  2. Can you identify any beliefs you hold that may block your ability to receive?
  3. What steps can you take this month to open yourself up to receiving more love and abundance in your life?

Rediscover your authentic self.

I deeply honour and acknowledge the Awabakal and Worimi people on whose land I was born, live and work.
I acknowledge that the energy walked here through community hunting, birthing, and living under natural laws still remains and has been laid down in the land for all to benefit from. 
I acknowledge their ancestors, past and present, who love, care and respect country and their ongoing connection to the ocean, rivers, earth, rocks and air and the balance of all life.
I acknowledge the Elders emerging who take care of the Spirit of this land through connection to the old ones. 
Most of all I am grateful to the wisdom and culture of all First Nations people and what we can learn walking beside eachother as we come together from all lineages who were once connected to the land as they are.

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